
I am just that, EXHAUSTED! I’ve been blogging for several years (on another platform) for fun. I felt a push from the Lord and thought I might take this writing thing to the next level, so I attended a writers conference. There I learned that I have to build a platform that involves building a better blog, along with a bunch of social media stuff I just don’t want to do.

This is my second attempt at setting up my blog in a new home and, again, I’m EXHAUSTED! Oh, I know all caps looks like I’m yelling. I was going to use DISCOURAGED. I suppose that also looks like I’m yelling. It is just so darn confusing to me getting all this set up. What about the writing, creating content I want to share and people want to read. That is the point, after all.

EXHAUSTED is truly how I  feel after sitting in front of my computer for longer than expected, making very little progress. I decided to remedy my DISCOURAGEMENT by taking a few more minutes to whine about it. This is supposed to be easy, that’s what they say. I expected it to be at least easier than it has been. Even after purchasing an upgrade I’m still waiting for the easy to start. Ok, I’m done now.

Then it dawned on me. The enemy is messing with me here. Keeping me focused on the blog’s set-up instead of the blog’s purpose.

I know I’m not tech savvy, nor am I a worthy writer (yet). I know that I have not achieved it, but I focus on one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead (Phil. 3:13-). It will happen even if have to hire someone to get this website set up for me. There is a purpose in it that cannot be lost in the details. I still believe writing is something God has planned for me, so why would I let one little blog get in the way?

Boy, I’m glad that’s settled.