I was trying to decide on a topic for Anita Ojeda’s 28-Day writing challenge, in February, when I got the idea of studying joy. It came from a billboard advertising a marijuana dispensary. I pass it on my way to work every day. It displays Joyology in big green letters (of course), making me smile every time.

Joyology, I like it!

This is my third year participating in the February writing event, and joy sounds like a pretty good subject to write about, but it’s more than that. I need to write about joy. Not only for me but for you too.

Maybe you are right here with me, wondering where your joy is.

“We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” —Joseph Campbell

I never explicitly thought about joy or living a joyful life until now. Since becoming a mom at 18, I’ve been the kind of girl that deals with the next thing to do, and the next, and the next. I didn’t often stop to contemplate. I guess it was easier that way.

“I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. John 15:11 CSB

Friends, I’m not depressed, ill, or lacking anything I need. Praise God! I’m ok. I’m fine. The thing is, want more than ok or fine. I want what Jesus promised. Don’t you?

Now that I’m a grandmother of six and moving into the next chapter of life, I’ve found my friend, contemplation. Could it be the Holy Spirit shedding light on this journey we are about to take? I hope so. I think so.

Why study joy?

As I began collecting sources for this project, I realized that I visit joy, but not very often. It’s not a place where I spend much time. It might even be seasonal, bubbling up around new things, events, or holidays.

That’s when I decided to take an internal inventory to confirm things and found joy in the desired quantity, and for the right reasons, it was missing. That’s when I knew it was time to relocate.

I want to live in joy. And I’ll bet you do too.

But where is that elusive neighborhood located? Is it hiding, only for the rich, successful, C.O.Somethings, royals, young, perfect, pretty, godly people? Many of us believe the world’s description of joy, and maybe that’s why we’re having trouble finding it and dwelling in it.

So, how do we get there? I think the first step is simply choosing joy.

Let’s find out together.

Come back on February 1st, when we start Joyology 101, a 28-day writing journey toward a better understanding of joy.