This is a busy post, but I just couldn’t decide which pictures to take out. There’s a reason they say three is good.

Last week I stole away for a walk in my neighborhood and decided to leave my headphones at home. I just wanted to hear the birds and the breeze, and spend time talking with God.

As I crossed an intersection, right there in the middle of it was big ole Jim + Mary Jo. Then a block down the street, I saw a tiny D + D + Matha 2001. Both proclamations of love were preserved in concrete many years ago.




Then, I noticed different flags and signs posted on the carefully manicured lawns. Black Lives Matter, Say Their Names, and In this house, we believe love is love, kindness is everything, etc.


say their names lawn flags colorful letters with names on black backgroundSince it’s election season, I also saw homes with campaign signs, too. But my mind lingered on those other lawn signs. I see them as more important declarations, maybe even more courageous.




Going up the last block before home, I came across a heart-shaped at the base of a small tree. Our neighbors gave a special place in their landscaping. It stood out, simple but prominent for all to see. It has something important to say.


This house believes in love.

Nearing the end of my walk, I rounded the corner and spotted the flag on my lawn. That’s when the Lord spoke to my heart. All these are proclamations of love, each in their own way—Soul mate to soul mate, neighbor to neighbor, human to fellow human.

This neighborhood believes in love.

There is no greater proclamation of love than that of God to all of humanity through His son, Jesus.

The Creator of the universe (Psalm 24:1-2) loved His creation, including you and me, so much that he made the ultimate sacrifice (John 3:16). It is by His mercy that we are saved (1 Peter 1:3) and receive what we don’t deserve; God’s grace and forgiveness.

For this reason, alone, we have no right to withhold either love or forgiveness from others. So, be merciful (Matthew 5:7, Luke 6:36-37), put the interests of others before your own, and try to see things from Jesus’ perspective (Philippians 2:3-5).

Love your neighbor.

You can also find me here this week: 
Five Minute Fridays – A writing link-up. The one-word prompt this week is MERCY.
Grace & Truth Weekly Christian Link-up
Inspire Me Mondays with Anita Ojeda