This is the October writing challenge from Five Minute Friday. The plan is to successfully post everyday. We write for five minutes (unedited and that’s a challenge) and stop. Visit FMF to see more posts.
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Phil 4:4-5 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. (NASB)
The moment you realize He’s with you, really with you; savor it.
Take it in.
Let the tears flow.
He IS with you!
Yes, you!
Savor the moment. Taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8). How wonderful it is when we realize the Lord is near. Friends, know that He is near even when we don’t feel it. When life has us busy, bored, or bewildered it’s easy to forget He’s there. When we pray and ponder over life circumstances, instead of focusing on God, we miss the opportunity to savor Him in the midst of our moments. He is right there with us.
So, rejoice in the day He’s given you (Ps 118:24). Just know that each day is made of moments, make the most of them. They aren’t always what we expected and don’t always turn out at planned and may often feel like long pauses. Try to see them from God’s perspective. Shift your focus and Rejoice!
This is your daily testimony. Let your gentle spirit be seen by friends, family and strangers. Rejoice in the day, no matter what it is, savor the moments and soon they will want what you have.
Again, I will say, rejoice!
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