31 Days of Five Minute Friday Free-Writes, it’s a writing challenge hosted by Kate Motaung over at Five Minute Fridays. We write daily for five minutes using a prompt Kate provides. The point is to write. The prompt today is DIFFERENT.
Galatians 5:22-23 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! (NLT)
So, I’ve been participating in a Free-writing challenge but I haven’t been truly free-writing. My five-minute “free-write” post might take me a couple of hours or more. I edit, people!
Today is different. I’m free-writing about the fear of posting without editing. This community of writers is formidable. I just don’t have the writing confidence to post a true free-write among your GOOD work.
What will they think?
What if I reference the wrong verse or take one out of context or just get it wrong?!!!
What will I learn? That’s a better question.
I’m not here to compare myself to other writers. I’m here to learn from you and I am.
I’m writing because it brings me joy. A joy I believe the Holy Spirit put there to grow into something that will serve the Kingdom (Gal. 5:22-23). Maybe it will be a seed that one of you waters so another can harvest.
I cant’ promise the next post will be a true free-write. I like creating the graphics, inserting pictures, finding the verses or quotes. Maybe that more involved writing is for another day. I’ll have to trust God to establish that balance.
Today, I’m free-writing and it’s bringing me joy.
Go to the Table of Contents to read more posts in this series as they go live.
Your transparency is so very refreshing. Thank you for being you!
It only works when we are authentic. Being truly yourself and lowering that last boundary can be scary. Doing it afraid is our courage in Christ.