We have no choice but to hold fast to God’s unfailing love this week. Wait a minute; this week?

We must hold fast every week, day, hour, and minute. And do we ever have a choice? No, for the believer, there is only one answer;  Jesus. For the unbeliever, the choice might be to worry or fix the problem by any means necessary. That might work once or twice or hebrews 10:23 even for a very long time, but God eventually reminds everyone that He is in charge.

As Dr. Charles Stanley often says, “Trust God and leave all the consequences to Him.”

In the last couple of weeks, COVID-19 came closer by affecting my spiritual mentor and friend, and his dear wife. He’s been struggling with this for about three weeks now, in the hospital for the last two. We are rejoicing with every small step of progress for this good and humble soldier for God’s kingdom. And we are glad to report that his wife is recovering nicely, at home.

Outing with masks on

Wearing masks outside on a day trip, as there were many people along the path.

Yesterday, COVID-19 invited itself into our family. My son tested positive. He showed what we thought were allergy symptoms, something he’s struggled with since he was a small child. When the senses of taste and smell went missing, we knew it was time to be tested.

Because we are caregivers to my mom and sister, we have been cautious from the start. When my son tested positive, we traced his activity, which resulted in six others being tested. ALL NEGATIVE, PRAISE THE LORD!  And Mom was not exposed.

So, we will be quarantined at home for as long as it takes, holding fast to God’s unfailing love and mercy. We are in this, with Jesus, for the long haul.

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:4

If you are being personally affected by COVID-19, or feel overwhelmed by the duration of this global ordeal, hold fast, my friends. Hold fast! The Lord is faithful.

Posting in the Five Minute Friday link-up this week. The writing prompt is HOLD.

Photo credit: Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash