I’ve developed some habits, and I guess I get to decide if they are good or bad by the outcomes. That’s if my eyes are open.

Good – Reading my Bible in the morning.

Bad – I put flavored creamer in my six cups of coffee every day.

Good – I tell my family members I love them before leaving them or ending a phone call.

Bad – Kettle chips have become my go-to snack food.

You get the picture. We get to decide what is right for us and what isn’t. Eating too many kettle chips will affect my waistline and pant size over time, and not in a good way.

I can choose to stop that bad habit. If I don’t, I’ll need to buy bigger pants.

Reading God’s word in the morning sets the tone for my whole day and strengthens me in so many other ways. I could choose to sleep in and miss this sweet time. But don’t very often, because I’m benefitting immediately and over time.

What are the benefits?

I choose to keep this habit because the benefits are great.

  • Learn about God’s character.
  • Learn to trust God. (Proverbs 3:5)
  • Develop an inner calm delight (Strong’s Concordance #5479)
  • Become comfortable with scripture, learn to apply it correctly, and confirm it (Deuteronomy 6:8)
  • Find solutions to everyday problems and the big ones, too.
  • Gain wisdom from those that came before us and learn from their mistakes. (Proverbs)
  • Learn how and when to pray. (Luke 11:1-13)
  • Experience joy in the storytelling, miraculous outcomes, and beautiful lessons throughout the book.
  • Most of all, our faith increase when we hear from God, and the most common way is through His word. (Romans 10:17)

Spending time with God in His word is a good habit.

Mornings are good for me, but whatever allows you to be consistent is best. God is available anytime and anywhere.

Your joyful job assignment

  1. Get your phone out and find a bible reading plan. You can try Bible Study Tools, YouVersion, or First 5 for starters, but many are available.
  2. Pick a plan and commit to finishing it.
  3. Pray before you read, keep a notebook and pen handy to write down questions that come up or insights God reveals.

If you are new to this, don’t sweat it. Sometimes starting with a devotional will help guide your reading. Or you could start in the Psalms, Philippians (also called the book of joy), or the Gospel of John. The New Testament might be more comfortable than the Old Testament. Don’t be afraid to try different versions of the Bible because some are easier to read than others. And it’s ok to skip around. You don’t have to read from beginning to end of the book in one sitting.

The important thing is to get in the habit of spending time with God in His word. Trust Him to take care of the rest.

This post is part of the #Write28Days writing challenge. The prompt today is HABIT. Check out the other great writers participating in this challenge. Thanks to Anita Ojeda for hosting the event.

