So, last weekend was all about navigating through the unknown.

We didn’t have plans to go to Urgent Care.

We didn’t have plans to go to the pharmacy.

We didn’t have plans to spend so much time in the bathroom suffering through the side effects of this antibiotic.

We didn’t have plans after Friday night, so the unknown events that took place on Saturday and Sunday were…ok. No plans so no disruptions. We rolled with it and everything worked out.

We did plan ahead for Friday night when our son Michael performed his Bachelor of Arts project to a packed house. We arranged for Mom to stay with Michelle. This was perfect because they were missing each other and had a wonderful time together.

Michael planned, planned, and planned his project out to the nth degree, but there was still room for the unknown. The harpsichord malfunctioned, but he recovered by using the piano. The cellist was a bit off but, with the help of the rest of the quintet, he recovered. Michael just rolled with it. Instead of allowing fear of failure to take over, with the help of the Holy Spirit, self-control did (2 Timothy 1:7) and it worked out beautifully.

Life is all about the unknown. Navigating through it well means clinging to the known. Clinging to Jesus. He says, fear not, for I am with you (Isaiah 43:1). I’m told “fear not” statements appear 365 times in the bible. I haven’t counted but I’ve read many verses with this message. I believe that when God repeats Himself what He’s saying must be important for me to understand and believe.

There is no reason to fear the unknown. Why do we assume that the unknown will be bad? Maybe because we can’t control it. For me, it helps to remember that the One who is in control walks through it with me. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He walks with you too.

I don’t know about you, but I feel better already.



This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up! Each week Kate Motaung provides a one-word writing prompt for participants to free write for five minutes flat and share their work with the online community. This prompt this week is UNKNOWN. I’m also posting this on Inspire Me Mondays with Anita Ojeda, an excellent site loaded with self-care information.

33 Verse artwork ––we-do-not-have-to-fear.html

Featured image – Unknown Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash