We are all called to a great commission (Matt 28:16-20), which is to share the good news of Christ with the world. We may not feel a calling but it’s there and God, in His kindness, equips each one of us to go, though some are reluctant to follow-through. This is usually because we fear failure, don’t see ourselves as worthy, or just miss it altogether because we’re looking in the wrong places for a purpose.
The story of Jonah and his whale experience illustrates why we shouldn’t put God to the test (Deuteronomy 6:16-17). God gave Jonah instructions to go to the wicked city of Nineveh to warn them of God’s impending wrath unless they changed their ways.
Jonah didn’t want to do it. He was probably afraid of the people, and I suspect failing the assignment. Plus, he didn’t agree with God. He thought they should perish in their wickedness so he decided to go in the opposite direction and hide from God. Sound familiar?
Are you feeling ill-equipped for the task of sharing God’s message with others? I know I am. But then I remember we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). That doesn’t mean that this will be easy, but it does means that God doesn’t sign you up for anything He won’t equip you to do (Hebrews 13:21).
God in his kindness equips and strengthens us (Joshua 1:9) when we trust and obey. So, obey! Return God’s kindness, planted in you by the Holy Spirit. Sharing His unchanging truth with others. Salvation by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). Tell of His love for us the saving grace provided by the death of his one and only Son, Jesus (John 3:16).
Jonah put God to a test and suffered the consequences in his whale experience. God will have his way, one way or the other. Instead of turning you around, God could choose to use someone else. Don’t know about you but I don’t want that lost opportunity to be my consequence.
God wants each of His children to be saved for eternity with Him. So, I encourage you to use the tools He’s given you speaking, writing, teaching, singing, or playing instruments. Whatever your gift, kindly share it with others so that they may know Christ.
Go to the Table of Contents to read more posts in this series on the Fruit of the Spirit as they go live.
31 Days of Five Minute Friday Free-Writes, it’s a writing challenge hosted by Kate Motaung over at Five Minute Fridays. We write daily for five minutes using a prompt Kate provides. The point is to write. The prompt today is TEST.
Some misunderstood: It isn’t “Whoa” it’s “Go”.