Hello Friend,

Hello Friend, How are you feeling today? I know there are days when you are weary. That is why I’m calling on Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah, the Lord Mighty in Battle. The Lord who fights for you.The Names of God- God in Battle

How has  He shown Himself in your circumstances? Just think about it. Right now, close your eyes and picture God winning in battle against the enemy. Never fear, He is always the Victor. Moses praised the Lord in battle, calling Him a warrior.

The Lord Mighty in Battle fights for you

Your right hand, O Lord, is majestic in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy of our mind, body, and spirit. And You, Lord, have given us the Holy Spirit, who continues mighty in the battle for our souls. We can trust this to be true for all Your children. Praise you for protecting us and caring for us in this way.

So, my friend, you need not fear anyone or anything because Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah fights for you. Be sure to remember and accept by faith that, day-by-day He is defeating any enemy coming against you.

Who is the King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Psalm 24:8 (NIV)

Many things compete for our attention, especially during this time in history. That is why I urge you to remain focused on God. It is the Lord, Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah, who stands in the battle on your behalf today and every day.

Take care, my friend,

Join me for this series, where we’ll explore the Names of God in letters to my friends, prayers, and excerpts from touching devotionals. I wrote a collection of prayers and words of encouragement to a dear friend and mentor struggling through an illness. My friend is fully recovered (praise the Lord), but I was so encouraged in the process that I wanted to share that encouragement with you. Click the link to access the Series Table of Contents. 

Click this link to find all the posts in the Names of God series.

Inspired by Tony Evans book, Praying Through The Names of God (2014, Harvest House Publishers)

A Journey Through The Names of God

This post is the first installment of the 31-Day Writing Challenge 2021.

FMF 31-Day Writing Challenge 2021