How many times to we read “do not be afraid” or “fear not” in the Bible? A quick bit of research turned up 365 times. REALLY! If I have a daily reminder of the power of God, why am I afraid and what am I afraid of? Fear is not from God.
Many years ago, when we found out my dad had his first round of Cancer, I adopted 2 Timothy 1:7 as my life verse. It told me that I have POWER to be courageous, to love deeply, and to maintain a spirit of self-control. Fear isn’t even mentioned here.
On a bike ride this summer I felt God telling me very clearly, down deep in my heart, that I was living in fear. Fear of change, of the future, of losing my job, of being short of money in retirement, of renovating our 35 year old kitchen — FOR GOODNESS SAKE! An extended season of turmoil on my job and changes in our family dynamic at home seemed to be the source of this uninvited and oppressive shadow over my life.
I’ve done a lot of praying, studying, and crying out to God since that bike ride. I’m still afraid sometimes, but I’ve come to understand that staying stuck in my fear is sin. Not trusting God is sin, and it’s just what the enemy wants. Well, not this time. As Joyce Meyer says, “do it afraid”. My guiding verse in this Free Write Challenge tells me God said not to look back, that He is doing something new, and that He will will make a way (Is 43:18-19). Since He says that I have His power (2 Tim 1:7), I’m moving forward in that mindset.
So, over the last few months, in His power I’ve facilitated a bible study on the Armor of God (go figure how that one presented itself), I’ve been asked to and I’m considering becoming the co-leader of the Women’s Ministry at my church, I’ve joined a writers group, asked an expert to evaluate this website, and lost 14 pounds. That’s a start.
End, for now –
This post is part of the New Road Devotional Collection.
I can so relate to your words!!
Congratulations (through God) for all the successes!!!
Thank you, Tammy. You encouraged me today. Looking at each step forward as a success is refreshing. God is good!