Something special is happening in May!

👉All month long, on Instagram (@myconcretedove), I’m hosting 31 Days of Seeking Self-Care as a respite for family caregivers.

👉 Every day, in my feed, stories, or reels, I’ll post about different types of self-care.

Everyone needs a respite from time to time and making self-care a habit can provide that much-needed respite you deserve.

Family caregivers, we are in this together! So, let’s seek self-care starting May 1st and find out what works best for you so that you can continue.

It’s time to start taking care of yourself (more on self-care here).

If not now, when?

31 Days of Seeking Self-Care

Week 1 is a series of 5-minute respites

Day 1 is Mindful Monday – Sit outdoors for five minutes

Click to find my feed or look in the sidebar.

Click here to get the 31 Days of Seeking Self-Care Calendar

Self-care practiced regularly should make you feel rested, with a sense of peace, joy, renewal, and overall well-being.

But before we go further, I should tell you that I’m not an expert. I learned about self-care (and the adverse effects of not practicing it) in the Caregiver 101 classroom of life.

Before we start, I think it’s important to touch on mindfulness as an essential component of self-care.

Self-care & mindfulness, is there a connection?

Here’s what has to say, and I’m paraphrasing, “Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

It’s important to be present in what you are doing for your self-care today. Think about what you are doing, just focusing on this one thing. When we are mindful during self-care activities, it only makes sense that the effects of self-care might multiply, be felt more deeply, and provide the most benefit. Sounds pretty good to me. Let’s find a seat outdoors and practice.

Let me know in the comments, is mindfulness new to you?

Today, I’m linking up at Inspire Me Monday