Day 6 of the Write 28 Days Blogging Challenge posted late. Participants choose a category, in which to concentrate throughout the challenge and the host provides a daily writing prompt. The prompt for today is SWAN.

2 Timothy 1:7  for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. (ESV)

We had a lovely little cottage on a small lake and we loved that place. Every weekend we packed up our young son and drove the two and half hours north to enjoy our time together, away from work and worry. There were two beautiful swans that everyone called George and Gracie sharing the lake with us. It was an all-sports lake between the hours 11AM and 7PM, so we rarely our swans when the jet skis, speed boats and water skiers were out. Too much noise and waves for them. There was one spot though, a no wake zone too shallow and weedy for the sports crowd. There, behind the tall grass at the far end, away from the row of cottages, in the calm water, that’s where we might find our swans during the day. No boats. No waves. No noise. There they were protected. They were safe.

In the evenings we would see them and on occasion they had family of baby swans between them. George and Gracie, beautiful curving necks with fluffy white feathered bodies, heads held high and fear giving way to graceful floating. Gliding across the glass topped lake, out in the open for all to see. They weren’t fearful. Then, they were regal and confident and in command. It was something special to see those swans. No evidence of timidity or fear in them because the circumstances were just right.

Our circumstances won’t always be just right, but we can be confident that our God is in command even in the noisy and turbulent times in life. You don’t have to wait for the right circumstances to step out in faith, into where ever He’s calling. Do it afraid until you are not. Remember, He did not put a spirit of fear in us, so don’t allow one to seep in, EVER.

OK, I know that’s easier said than done. But there is something you can do and it’s important; memorize scripture. It is your weapon against the forces of this world (Ephes 6:17). The same weapon Jesus used during His 40 days in the desert (Matt 4:1:11). Start with the short ones until you find that special verse God picked out just for you. You’ll know it when it finds you. For me it was our guiding verse in this series, 2 Timothy 1:7. When you feel fear, worry and anxiety taking over, take those thoughts captive (2 Cor 10:5). Replace fear with God’s word. Repeat it over and over again if you have to, until fear slinks away like the liar he is. Take your verse, put it in your own words, and pray it back to God (this is powerful). Until you can memorize your verse, it’s ok just to say “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” He hears you, my friend!

When you focus on Jesus you are resisting fear and it will soon fade (James 4:7). Before you know it that fear is replaced with God confidence and a new joy and peace (Ps 32:5b).  You can have Spirit fueled command of your own thoughts, and fearlessly glide through your circumstances, no matter what they are. Yes, it will take practice and repetition but anything worth doing well does. It’s why the enemy is so good at messing with you; he keeps working at it. You, on the other hand, be stronger in Christ believing that He is with you in the effort, because He is.

Prayer: Father God, you are my strength and my shield (Ps 18:2, Ps 28:7). I am counting on you to plant your word in my heart to strengthen me against the forces that come against me, both seen and unseen (Ephes. 6:12). Holy Spirit teach me how to use your word against my fears until they are erased, taken captive and replaced with your peace. I know I can do this only in Your strenght (Phil 4:13). I need you Lord . In Jesus precious name. Amen.

Photo from Upsplash, by Chris Child and modified by