How about that! The truth of God’s word all in a nudge. That’s a prompting of the Holy Spirit and something we should lean into. The good news is, we can pray for God to make us sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

The passing feeling to turn right instead of left. Working really hard at something that shouldn’t be so hard. A sense of doing, or not doing, something that wasn’t there before. Pay attention. It could be the Holy Spirit trying to tell you something.

prompting of the holy spirit

Even though we may know we are forgiven at the time of redemption, we are still in the world and the enemy still comes after our faith. He prowls around like a roaring lion, ready to pounce at your weakest moment. The gospel of John tells us that he is a thief that comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. YOU! That’s a heavy thought.

But Jesus came so that we may have life and have it to the full. (John 10:10).

Believers can know all the things and study all the lessons, but our sinful nature still exists and rears its ugly head, probably when we least expect it. But God provides a way of escape. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Thank you, Jesus!

Jesus reassures us that we are not orphans, left to our own devices. (John 14:18)

How Can I Tell This is the Holy Spirit?

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us remain the faith. To guide us, teach us, and yes, change us (Galatians 5:22-23). You can read more about this in the Fruit of the Spirit series on this site.prompting of the holy spirit

The Spirit helps us open the closet and put on that new self. (Ephesians 4:24-24) Even in the fleeting moments of doubt, the Spirit nudges us back to the truth, that is the reassurance of God’s love.

If you think it’s the Holy Spirit tapping you on the shoulder, don’t worry about it, just lean into His gentle nudging. If that something you feel pressed to do is good and within God’s word, even if it’s hard, go ahead and trust Him. Get started. You’ll know soon enough if you did the right thing or not. For me, it is a sense of calm assurance and a smile forming on my lips for no reason that confirms it’s going to be okay (whatever it is), even if it’s not going so as easily as I thought it might.

God's Word prompting of the holy spiritJust because we are obedient and Spirit-led doesn’t mean the path will be free from obstacles. That’s just when we lean in harder.

Pray for God to make you sensitive to His promptings. I can’t imagine God would withhold that from you. Psalm 84:11 tells us the Lord does not withhold one good thing from those who do what is right. Be confident in that truth.

Obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit, just like anything else, gets easier with practice. The Spirit is not a passive entity. He is powerful, and you can tap into that power (Romans 15:13), so keep Him close. That sensitivity will develop one obedient step after another.

Mind the nudge, my friend. Mind the nudge.


This post is part of the  Inspire Me Mondays link-up. Check out the amazing writers participating in this weekly event hosted by Anita Ojeda.

Author’s Canva graphic – Fire Escape Photo by MILKOVÍ on Unsplash, Open Bible photo from

Some ideas were taken from Pastor Isinger’s sermon on 5/17/2020, Holy Cross Lutheran Church online service.