Simmering in Scripture Fearlessly
A Devotional Collection Exploring 2 Timothy 1:7
It’s February 5, 2019. Today, I’m joining the Write 28 Days Blogging Challenge a few days late but welcomed by a gracious host, Anita Ojeda. Participants choose a category, in which to concentrate throughout the challenge and the host provides a daily writing prompt. The prompt for today is simmer. I’ve chosen the Devotional/Bible Study category as we’ll be exploring 2 Timothy 1:7. During this writing challenge we’ll simmer in this scripture, spend time savoring the four main words: fear (and timidity), power, love, and self-discipline. We’ll also seek godly wisdom for real life application through scriptural references, stories and prayer.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
This verse holds special meaning to me, as I adopted it after finding out my father had cancer. I was afraid for him and afraid of losing him. I knew very littfle about the bible then, so I asked a friend if she new a verse to help me stop the anxiety and worry over the situation. I used a Palm Pilot back then. For you under 50’s (maybe 40’s), that was my calander/planner/contact list all in one handy electronic device – no smart phones yet. I made sure that verse would be there on the screen every morning. It grounded me. When the worry started I read the verse, and read the verse, and read the verse. It soon became my guiding life verse.
I’m excited to share this first venture into focused devotional writing with you. I pray for God’s guidance in this process and rely on the Holy Spirit to provide a daily Word especially for you.
Table of Contents
I’ll Take Jesus Over This Any Day
No Complaints in This Grateful Heart
Making Time for the Good Stuff